The Wonder : Intellectual Elasticity versus Fanaticism
12 Dec, 2022
“The people you are about to meet, the characters, believe in their stories with complete devotion. We are nothing without stories. And so we invite you to believe in this one.”
(Spoilers ahead)
Set in the Irish midlands in 1859, this psychological drama follows the story of a fourteen year old girl, Anna, who has been surviving without food for months. An English nurse, Lib, and a nun were asked to observe Anna and find out the truth. Some believe it to be a medical anomaly while others think of it as a miracle.
This film is a dark and complex mood piece on science versus blind faith. It sadly and accurately depicts how far one can go in the name of faith. Even as far as letting your child starve to death. It dives into the power of religion and the consequences of rabid faith. It is a haunting drama with an incredibly eerie score and fantastic cinematography. Every frame looks like a painting.
There is a scene with the nun at the end of the film which is so interesting. I interpret it as an attempt to bridge the gap between religion and science. She asks about Anna’s wellbeing very discretely while maintaining the garb of cluelessness. She metaphorically lets nurse Lib and the audience know that she is aware of the fact that Anna is still alive. It is a heartwarming scene. It is as though two people from enemy sides bond over the victorious escape of one little girl.
The dichotomy between religion and science is a topic that has been represented in films many a times yet ‘The Wonder’ brings a more emotional element to the discussion. It is a thought provoking slow burn bolstered by strong performances from the entire cast. The director, Sebastian Lelio, did such a phenomenal job with this film. It is very clear how much care and effort went into making this and it really translates on the screen. It is a very atmospheric film. I am still not over the visuals. They are gorgeously crafted.
Overall, this is a harrowing drama with an emotional storyline and fascinating subplots. A must watch for Florence Pugh and religious drama fans.
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